7 Incredible Egg Recipes

How do you like your eggs?? I like mine... daily. 🍳😄

And if you're like me, you're always in search of new incredible egg recipes to try.

This recipe post is sponsored by the American Egg Board -- you know, the folks behind the Incredible, Edible Egg -- and it features SEVEN fun and inventive ways to use eggs in your kitchen.

7 Incredible Egg Recipes

Each egg recipe is inspired by a super from Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2 (in theaters now!) -- and the ingredients or preparation are based on that character's super power.

We have...

  1. 💪 Mr. Incredible's Clobbered Egg Avocado Toast
  2. 🍝 Elastigirl's Stretchy Zucchini Noodles
  3. 🏃 Dash's Runny Egg Yolk Sauce
  4. 😈 Jack-Jack's Multiplied Deviled Eggs
  5.       Violet's Invisible Egg Yolk Ravioli
  6. ❄️ Frozone's Frozen Blueberry Smoothie
  7. ☁️ Edna Mode's Avant Garde Cloud Eggs


How fun is this?? It's such a clever way to try new egg dishes at home... and I just love this celebration of all things incredible.

Scroll down for a peek at each of the dishes, and click the links to see the detailed recipes. Enjoy!

7 Incredible Egg Recipes Inspired by Incredibles 2

1. Mr. Incredible

Did you know that ONE large egg has 6 grams of high-quality protein, nine essential amino acids, and only 70 calories?

Mr. Incredible could certainly use this clobbered egg avocado toast recipe before his next trip in the Incredimobile.

Mr. Incredible's Clobbered Egg Avocado Toast
All 7 Recipes: Incredible Egg + Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2

Mr. Incredible's Clobbered Egg Avocado Toast Incredible Egg

2. Elastigirl

No need to put your stretchy pants on for this dish -- it's made with zucchini noodles!

And a soft egg on top is a great way to add protein to this dish.

Elastigirl's Stretchy Zucchini Noodles
All 7 Recipes: Incredible Egg + Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2

Elastigirl's Stretchy Zucchini Noodles - Incredible Egg

3. Dash

Dash's runny egg yolk sauce sauce is made by separating the yolks from the whites.

Egg yolks contain most of an egg's nutrients -- including choline (important for brain function), vitamin B12, and more than 40% of the egg's protein. So, don't leave them out of your recipes!

Dash's Runny Egg Yolk Sauce
All 7 Recipes: Incredible Egg + Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2

Dash's Runny Egg Yolk Sauce

4. Jack-Jack

Jack-Jack is one of my favorite characters, and deviled eggs are one of my favorite preparations of eggs.

Click the link for recipe instructions, and take a peek at the bottom for tips on how to make a spicier variation.

Jack-Jack's Multiplied Deviled Eggs
All 7 Recipes: Incredible Egg + Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2

Jack-Jack's Multiplied Deviled Eggs - Incredible Egg

5. Violet

Violet's invisible egg yolk dish adds the eggs right into the middle of each raviolo.

Follow the recipe for step-by-step instructions for how to make giant ravioli (using lasagna noodles!), and learn how to hide the egg yolk in the middle of each piece. Yum!!

Violet's Invisible Egg Yolk Ravioli
All 7 Recipes: Incredible Egg + Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2

Violet's Invisible Egg Ravioli - Incredible Egg

6. Frozone

When you think of egg dishes, you might not think of this next option: incorporating them into a frothy smoothie!

For step-by-step instructions for how to drink your eggs, Frozone-style, click below. This frozen smoothie is perfect for the hot weather we've been having lately.

Recipe: Frozone's Frozen Blueberry Smoothie
All 7 Recipes: Incredible Egg + Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2

Frozone's Frozen Blueberry Smoothie - Incredible Egg

7. Edna Mode

And last, but definitely not least, is my favorite dish of the set -- these avant garde cloud eggs!

Click for this very cool recipe, which teaches you how to use a mixer to make the perfect egg white clouds.


Recipe: Edna Mode's Avant Garde Cloud Eggs
All 7 Recipes: Incredible Egg + Disney-Pixar's Incredibles 2

Edna Mode's Avant Garde Cloud Eggs

Why I Partnered with Incredible Egg

312food + Incredible Egg

I was SO excited to share these egg recipes with you through my partnership with the American Egg Board (or as you might better know them, the Incredible Egg). I hope you found a few new dishes to try!

I'm a big fan of eggs and Disney-Pixar, so I jumped at the chance to celebrate ALL things incredible with both of them.


7 Incredible Egg Recipes

I hope you liked this roundup of incredible egg recipes! As always, if you did, please pin & share.

And please let me know in the comments below which recipe you're most excited to try. πŸ™‚ <3 Erin


  1. July 9, 2018 / 3:53 pm

    These ALL look amazing!!! I’m craving breakfast food now πŸ™‚ So cute – thanks for sharing!

  2. Nicole
    July 9, 2018 / 8:04 pm

    I love eggs on my avo toast! I would never think to put egg in a smoothie but what an awesome extra dose of protein!

  3. July 10, 2018 / 6:40 am

    ahh the creativity of people amazes me! i love avo toast with egg!

  4. July 10, 2018 / 8:20 am

    I love eggs because they’re such a versatile ingredient! These are all great recipes!

  5. July 10, 2018 / 6:18 pm

    I looooove deviled eggs so the Jack Jack one is for me!

  6. Alex
    July 10, 2018 / 9:49 pm

    Um these all look delicious. I love the themed recipes, so creative, and so so cute! Cloud eggs look so good.

  7. July 10, 2018 / 9:50 pm

    Um these all look delicious. I love the themed recipes, so creative, and so so cute! Cloud eggs sound so good.

  8. Ruya
    July 10, 2018 / 11:08 pm

    Such a fun post! Deviled eggs are the best!


  9. the sophia diaries
    July 11, 2018 / 9:16 am

    omg totally love that there is a recipe/incredible xD and the second movie was AWESOME!!

  10. adriana
    July 12, 2018 / 7:14 am

    These all sound delicious! If avocado toast is involved, you can count me in! πŸ˜‰


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